Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cha Soo-yeon

Job: Actress
Date of birth: August 15, 1981
Country: South Korea
Height: 166cm
Weight: 47kg
Blood type / Horoscope : A / Leo

Cha Soo-yeon is an actress who is well known as a star much loved by fans of Korean movies of course. Besides beautiful Soo-yeon has a talent that can be interesting to fans. Surely not just the fans who weighed just happy with the presence of this talented actress, beautiful, any opponent may play a role of course very pleased with the Soo-yeon. Cha Soo-yeon started his career in the field entertaimen step since 2004, namely to play in a TV series entitled "You'll Know. The film's debut as well as in the world perfilman.Tentunya not be satisfied until his career took place there. On Soo-yeon in 2007 played in the movie For Eternal Hearts, in 2008 she played in two movie titles that She is Beautiful and Somewhere Away. Achievement is not good, Because of their versatility in playing the role akhirna year 2009 Soo-yeon more and more official recognition by the producer -producer for the film to show their skill. As a result the year 2009 Soo-yeon successfully starred in four films at once ie Boat, 5 Sense, Executor and also movies, Yoga Class. 
Cha Soo-yeon merupakan aktris yang sudah cukup dikenal sebagai bintang yang banyak digemari oleh penggemar film korea tentunya. Selain cantik Soo-yeon memiliki talenta yang dapat menarik minat pada penggemarnya. Tentunya bukan hanya para fans beratnya saja yang senang dengan kehadiran aktris cantik berbakat ini, lawan mainnya pun tentunya sangat senang bisa berperan bersama Soo-yeon. Cha Soo-yeon mulai menapakkan karirnya di bidang entertaimen sejak tahun 2004,yakni dengan ikut main dalam TV series yang berjudul "You'll Know. Film itu sekaligus juga sebagai debut pertamanya dalam dunia perfilman.Tentunya tidak puas sampai disitu saja karirnya berlangsung. Pada tahun 2007 Soo-yeon ikut bermain dalam film For Eternal Hearts, ditahun 2008 ia bermain dalam dua judul film yaitu She is Beautiful dan SomeWhere Away. Prestasi yang baik bukan, Karena kepandaiannya dalam bermain peran akhirna tahun 2009 Soo-yeon semakin banyak dilirik oleh produser-produser untuk mau menunjukkan kebolehannya di film mereka. Alhasil tahun 2009 Soo-yeon berhasil membintangi empat film sekaligus yaitu Boat, 5 Sense, Executor dan juga film,Yoga Class.

Comment to  Cha Soo-yeon's Pictures

 Cha Soo-yeon look beautiful and elegant in this photo. With long straight hair and will show slight impression on his face other than that would make him look more black tinggi.Kalung he was wearing as an accessory and not very impressed with his performance mensukung excessive. Black shirts with the sleeves 3 / 4 and pressing the body that he was wearing made her look sexy, besides making the skin look clean. Use of a skirt with decoration in the pelvis makes clear impression feminine look. His makeup looks even more support this time, perhaps very appropriate oriental face using makeup natural and not excessive. With a natural makeup look Soo-yeon and naturally beautiful look younger. Therefore, we agree that the clothes and the makeup he wore in this picture matching (Matching Fashion) 
Cha Soo-yeon nampak cantik dan elegan pada foto ini. Dengan rambut lurus dan panjang akan menampakkan kesan ramping pada wajahnya selain itu akan membuat dirinya tampak lebih tinggi.Kalung hitam yang ia kenakan sebagai aksesoris sangatlah mensukung penampilannya dan tidak terkesan berlebihan. Kaos hitam dengan lengan 3/4 dan pres tubuh yang ia kenakan membuat dirinya tampak seksi , selain itu membuat kulitnya semakin nampak bersih. Penggunaan rok dengan hiasan di panggul membuat kesan feminin nampak jelas terlihat. Make up nya pun semakin mendukung penampilannya saat ini, wajah oriental tentunya sangat tepat menggunakan make up yang natural dan tidak berlebihan. Dengan make up natural Soo-yeon nampak cantik alami dan terlihat lebih muda. Oleh karena itu, kami setuju bahwa pakaian dan dandanan yang dipakainya pada foto ini matching (Fashion Matching)

Structuring makeup Cha Soo-yoen less precise and less natural. He will look more elegant with lipsice pink, to make his face more and more natural beauty. Also impressed structuring messy hair and made her face look listless and dispirited. Accessories necklace he was wearing today also excessive and was impressed glamorous. But in terms of clothes I think the problem can still say nice and feminine. Too bad we have to conclude that fashion beside him in the photo is not matched. 

Penataan make up Cha Soo-yoen kurang tepat dan kurang natural. Ia akan tampak lebih anggun dengan lipsice pink, untuk membuat kecantikan wajahnya semakin natural. Selain itu penataan rambutnya terkesan berantakan dan membuat wajahnya tampak lesu dan tidak bersemangat. Aksesoris kalung yang ia kenakan saat ini juga berlebihan dan terkesan glamour. Tapi kalau untuk masalah baju saya rasa masih bisa dibilang bagus dan feminin. Sayang sekali kami harus mengambil kesimpulan bahwa fashion dia pada foto di samping tidak matching .




Kim Bum

Birthdate : July 7, 1989
Profession : Actor
Height : 179 cm
Weight: 62 kg
Star Sign : Cancer
Favorite Color: Black

Kim Bum is possible for some of his lovers in Indonesia has only known after she played in a series of Korean "Boys Over Flowers", this young (born 1989). Although the series is a side he plays as an actor, but thanks to a captivating face an awful lot like him.
Kim Bum is the star of Korean drama television series, as well as several feature-length film. The most famous is his role as Yi Jung at Boys Over Flowers. Winner of the Netizen Popularity Award at the 2008 Korea Drama Festival, he was educated at the University of Jungang. Once you set eyes on an acting career while still a young school children, Kim auditioned regularly and take an acting class. However, it was not until joining the "Survival Star Audition" that hard work finally paid off. She placed 8th in the field of hundreds, but because he was only 17, in a program aimed at actors in their 20, he could not continue in the competition. "Survival Star Audition" opened up many opportunities for her, and she began to accept the role of television series and its popularity soared. Although the Internet continues to object lot and gossip magazines, Kim Bum continue to rise as a star in South Korea.
Kim Bum mungkin bagi sebagian pencinta nya di Indonesia baru dikenal setelah dia ikut main dalam film seri korea "Boys Over Flowers", anak muda ini (kelahiran 1989). Meski dalam film seri tersebut dia main sebagai aktor sampingan,namun berkat wajahnya yang menawan banyak sekali yang menyukai dia.
Kim Bum adalah bintang dari serial televisi drama Korea , serta beberapa fitur-film panjang. Perannya yang paling dikenal adalah sebagai Yi Jung di Boys Over Flowers. Pemenang dari netizen Popularitas Award di 2008 Festival Drama Korea , dia dididik di Universitas Jungang. Setelah menetapkan pandangannya pada karir yang akting saat masih seorang anak sekolah muda, Kim secara teratur mengikuti audisi dan mengambil kelas akting. Namun, ia tidak sampai bergabung dengan "Survival Bintang Audition" bahwa kerja keras akhirnya terbayar. Dia ditempatkan ke-8 di bidang ratusan, tetapi karena dia hanya 17, dalam program yang ditujukan untuk aktor di 20 mereka, ia tidak bisa melanjutkan dalam kompetisi. "Survival Star Audition" membuka banyak peluang untuk Kim, dan ia mulai menerima peran televisi beberapa seri dan popularitasnya meroket. Meskipun terus objek internet banyak dan majalah gosip, Kim Bum terus naik sebagai bintang Korea Selatan.
                           Comment to Kim Bum's Picture

's According to our assessment of the photos on this one, looks very formal Bum Kim, wearing a black shirt, black besides the color of skin is believed will make the wearer look more clean and users will look even thinner because of the color black will absorb the light so that unknown users will became more confident. But still it shows the casual clothes, Because Kim Bum looks relaxed with his sleeves 3 / 4 it was. Use a watch that looks elegant even this does not interfere with casual impression that appear in this picture
Menurut penilaian kami mengenai foto yang satu ini, Kim Bum terlihat sangat formal dengan mengenakan kemeja berwarna hitam,selain itu warna hitam dipercaya akan membuat kulit si pemakai tampak lebih bersih dan pemakai akan tampak lebih kurus karena warna hitam diketahui akan menyerap cahaya sehingga penguna pun akan semakin percaya diri. Namun tetap saja pakaian ini menunjukkan sisi casual, karena Kim Bum terlihat santai dengan lengan kemeja 3/4 nya ini. Penggunaan jam tangan yang terlihat elegan ini pun tidak mengganggu kesan casual yang ditampilkan pada gambar ini.

In addition to roles like the world turned out to Kim Bum also like the photo model. Seen in this photo he was very loose in taken picture.Absolutely clothes he was wearing, including sporty styles, from horizontal striped T-shirt at the shoulder to the chest would make him appear to have a chest and shoulder that wide.Then combined with a black jacket that is increasingly dominant support the his sporty style pants. But my opinion that he used less because of the color and shape maching shellfish pas.And talking about hair styles definitely Kim Bum will look more hip and cool if you made a little messy hairstyle.
Selain menyukai dunia peran ternyata Kim Bum juga menyukai dunia foto model. Terlihat pada foto ini ia sangat lepas dalam berfoto.Tentunya baju yang ia kenakan termasuk gaya sporty,dari kaos yang bergaris horisontal di bagian bahu sampai dada akan membuat dirinya tampak memiliki dada dan bahu yang lebar.kemudian dipadu dengan jaket yang dominan berwarna hitam ini semakin mendukung gaya sporty nya.Namun menurut saya celana yang ia gunakan kurang maching karena warna serta bentuknya kerang pas.Dan berbicara tentang gaya rambutnya pasti Kim Bum akan terlihat lebih keren dan cool jika gaya rambutnya sedikit dibuat berantakan. 


Saturday, April 17, 2010


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